Open access platinum
About the cover:
17βHSD1 represents an emerging drug target for breast cancer treat-ment. Here, an efficient protocol for expression, purification and activity screening of human recombinant 17βHSD1 from is described, which can be used as a ready source of enzyme for screening new 17βHSD1 inhibitors.

Publishing frequency: 4 issues per year

Editor-in-Chief: Franc Perdih

Acta Chimica Slovenica (ACSi) is an international, peer-reviewed and Open Access journal. It provides a forum for the publication of original scientific research in all fields of chemistry and closely related areas. Reviews, feature, scientific and technical articles, and short communications are welcome.

In the appendix, the journal publishes book reviews, industrial achievements, announcements, and Society news.

Articles in ACSi are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Published by the Slovenian Chemical Society. For sponsors see Sponsors.

Journal Metrics

Journal Citation Reports 2022 IF: 1.2
5-year Journal IF: 1.196
Scopus/SJR Journal Metrics 2022 CiteScore: 2.6
SJR: 0.246
H Index: 51
Scopus/CWTS Journal Indicators 2022 SNIP: 0.457